About Me
A little about me, I'm the wife of a wonderful husband, mom of four precious kiddos (and a dog), and I love helping others get organized! I started my organizing business in 2014 and have been working with clients since (with a few other jobs in between). I recently added photo managing as one of my services. I enjoy photography as well as genealogy, and photo managing is the perfect blend of organizing photos and family stories to create photo legacies for future generations.
With over twenty years of experience in manufacturing supply chain, I utilized my organization skills along the way in the areas of purchasing, planning, inventory, and project management.
I also enjoyed many years giving back as a community outreach coordinator and planned events including the American Cancer Society Relay For Life, Organ/Tissue Donor Registrations, Supplies for Soldiers, Take Your Child to Work Day, Holiday Giving Trees, and more. I have also volunteered over the years for countless school events loving every minute, especially the elementary school yearbooks where I loved organizing photos!
​Genealogy has a special place in my heart as my mother published a book in the mid-1980's documenting her family history. She used a typewriter and a copier before we owned a computer. I even helped type a few pages (not too many as I was just a teenager back then), but
I appreciated all of her work. I appreciate it even more today as she was able to document our history including photos and pass it along to future generations including my children who each have their own copy of the book.
I love to help others get organized. Let me know how I can help you save time, money, and stress by getting organized in your home, office, or with your precious photos.