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Doctor's Desk
Wedding Album

Overwhelmed with clutter or photos?

Would you like to...

​FIND things when you NEED them?
Have a PLACE for everything?
PRESERVE and easily SHARE your photos?
Be HAPPY when you walk into your house?

B Happily Organized!

I am passionate about helping busy families, downsizing seniors, and everyone in between find practical solutions to simplify their lives and reduce clutter.

I am also a certified photo manager and can help organize and preserve your treasured photos and memories, so they can be shared with future generations.
If you or someone you know would like to get started with home, office, or photo organization, I am ready to help.  I can help you with DIY resources, work along beside you, or handle your whole project.


With organization, comes happiness.


Bretta Hammerstrom


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 Declutter and organize rooms
in your home


Rearrange and make your
office more efficient


Digitize and preserve your memories, photos, and movies

All organizing services start with a free 20-minute consultation. 

We'll walk through the process and answer any questions you might have.  


I'm happy to help with your organizing needs.

Call or email me today for your free consultation!  

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